CP Norden in Hveragerdi, Iceland, 4.-6. october 2023.
Kære Nordiske venner!
Welcome to CP Norden in Iceland. The event will be held on premise in the town of Hveragerdi and major events will be accessible online. See below for further information.
Kære Nordiske venner!
Welcome to CP Norden in Iceland. The event will be held on premise in the town of Hveragerdi and major events will be accessible online. See below for further information.
Participants arriving in the afternoon of Wednesday October 4th, will be picked up at the airport. Driver will be waiting in the arrival hall around 16:15.
Participants staying at Center Hotel Plaza in Reykjavík will be picked up at 16:15. Wheelchair accessible car.
The meeting will take place in Hotel Ork, in the town of Hveragerdi, 45 km. outside of Reykjavík. Rooms have been booked according to requests and information from participants.
Hotel website: Hotel Ork
The town of Hveragerdi
Wednesday October 4th:
Thursday October 5th:
Friday October 6th:
* Cost payed by participants at location.
Taxi will depart from the hotel at 5:30 and 7:00 in the morning.
Taxi at 5:30 is a normal taxi. Best for flights departing at 9:00 and 10:30.
Taxi at 7:00 is wheelchair accessible. Best for flights departing at 11:00. Taxi can stop in Mjódd bus station in Reykjavík.
Nýlegar athugasemdir